Upcoming Website Changes
Hey y’all,
I’ve enjoyed so many of you reaching out to me so often on plays you’ve seen or want to see. I am incredibly blessed and fortunate in my life to see some really awesome theater with a high level of frequency. The only downside to this—and I promise I’m aware it’s a small downside—is that often with my weekly reviews I’m posting a review well after I’ve seen the show. Sometimes I’m faced with a situation where I’m posting a review after a show has closed. If the show closed the weekend before my review, then it doesn’t feel like a big deal. If the show has been closed a couple of weeks, then I feel like I’m doing a bit of a disservice to both the review and the show.
With this in mind, I’m going to start posting the occasional Flashback Friday, which will be a review of a show that I saw but wasn’t able to fit the review into the weekly schedule. This will have absolutely no statement on the quality of the show but will be more likely to reflect shows that have short runs or shows I wasn’t able to see until the end of the run for one reason or another—I do have a full time job and lots of responsibilities that don’t always involve theater unfortunately!
Reviews can be suggestions of whether or not to see a particular show, but I think they serve a broader purpose too. Flashback Friday might be discussions, thoughts on theater broadly that are illuminated by a show, or simple appreciation of good theater. Theater is a live experience, but it doesn’t die when a show ends. Whether it is a musical being sung, a play being read, or just people discussing how they were moved or touched by a performance, then even long after a show is closed, it lives on. My Flashback Fridays will be my own way to do my part in keeping some closed shows alive.
Thanks for reading,