2019 Updates

Thanks for reading my reviews and sticking with me through 2018. I just wanted to alert everyone to a few small changes. This past year was an incredible year of theater I was fortunate to see, and I plan on continuing to see theater as much as I can. That being said—I’m not sure we will have a weekly Musical Monday in 2019. They will still happen sometimes, but I also am likely going to mix in reviews of other forms of entertainment. This will happen first through the weekly Film Friday.


What will Film Friday be?

  1. Reviews of new films in theaters

  2. Reviews of classic films that people should see or rewatch

  3. Reviews of cult films that I think more people should know/experience

What’s also important to note is that I am always willing to take a movie suggestion for Film Friday, so if you have a movie you love, then let me know.

Exciting things happening in 2019 and look forward to engaging with all of you!

Clint Hannah-Lopez
