Reviews to Come

I am incredibly fortunate in life to be able to consume a fairly large amount of live theater. I've seen Broadway musicals with flash and pizzazz that sparkle with glitz and glamor unmatched, and I've seen plays in smaller blackbox theaters that are little more than two people having a conversation. Theater is something that is broad and diverse, and that is one of my favorite things. Not every show must be exceptional; there is nothing wrong with a show being little more than a fun time.

After discussions with my wonderful girlfriend, I decided I want to find a place to share my thoughts on different things I see. Some posts might be reviews of what I determine is the quality of an overall show or a suggestion of what to watch. Some posts might be something incredibly small or unique that I find interesting.

I imagine I'll review all the theater I see moving forward, but I might review some past shows or thoughts as well. I might mix in some movies I see or music I hear. This is really going to develop as I write and see what feels best.

If you're reading along, welcome.

Clint Hannah-Lopez
